Mizzou Athletics County Ambassador Program With University of Missouri Extension
To create a more “Black and Gold Presence” for Mizzou and MU Athletics across the state. To help generate enthusiasm for its athletes, teams and accomplishments, and to enhance the visibility for MU and it’s teams in all 114 counties, via deputizing athletic ambassadors through MU’s established network of Extension Councils.
Mizzou Athletics would like to have an individual embedded in each of our State’s 114 Counties through MU’s Extension Council Network, to positively promote Mizzou Athletics and expand Mizzou’s presence within the area in which the selected individuals reside.
What Is A Mizzou Athletics County Ambassador?
An Extension Council Member, or a person appointed to represent their County Extension Council, can be your counties Athletic Ambassador. Someone who is enthusiastic about MU and its teams, and who has the desire to help spread the word in their local community and be a source of information where they live. In return they will enjoy a unique experience that comes with some insider perks! In exchange for helping us to educate and engage Mizzou fans in their communities, Ambassadors will be kept informed of the latest information, news, athlete profiles and unique experiences by Mizzou Athletics.
The Mizzou Spirit Program, which works with businesses to show their Mizzou Spirit at no cost, is a portion of the outreach you can offer local businesses, as an Athletic Ambassador. And, your own county extension office can count as the first one!
Who Qualifies as an Ambassador?
A person, or couple, who are appointed from the ranks of a county, regional or state Extension Council to serve on behalf of their county. OR a person not on the council whom the Council identifies and deputizes as their Ambassador for their county council.
What Is Their Role?
- To recruit 10 (or more) local businesses for the Mizzou Spirit Program that displays Mizzou including; a Mizzou flag, Tickets to Mizzou Athletic Events, Team Posters, schedule cards and magnets.
- Distribute a minimum of 50 yard signs. (provided)
- Share the information given to you on the Tiger Scholarship Fund (TSF) as a community resource.
- Make available and talk up Season Ticket Information and Deadlines in your community
- Initiate at least 1 e-mail a month to area constituents from a list of names provided outlining positive messages from Mizzou Athletics. (Communication will be provided by Mizzou Athletics.)
- If you use Social Media, like and share key posts from Mizzou Athletics to spread the word!
- Identify 3 speaking engagements per year in your county, where you and athletics can promote the positive things going on with Mizzou Athletics to keep your community in the know
Sounds Awesome! What Is In It For Me?
- Tickets to select Mizzou Athletics events will be provided to Athletics Ambassadors
- Recognition at a Mizzou football or basketball game.
- Mizzou Athletics gear.
- Bi-monthly Mizzou Athletics e-mail updates.
- Annual County Ambassador meeting with Mizzou Director of Athletics Jim Sterk.
- There will be additional benefits/ unique experiences and / or special Mizzou gear / prizes for those who meet and exceed these goals (population of counties will be taken into account when evaluating these goals).
How Do My Efforts Help Extension and MU?
- You are helping to energize Spirit for MU
- You are helping to raise local students awareness of MU to athletes and prospective students alike
- If enrollment goes up it affects all of us at MU
- It supports the men and women in every sport and underscores our support of their efforts and accomplishments
- It extends the reach of the University and encourages citizens to connect with Mizzou and Extension that might not otherwise
- It brings attention to your Extension Office and ways we are partnering across departments to elevate our State’s Land Grant University
Submit your delegates by e-mail to: FellerT@missouri.edu.
Please include the following information:
Mailing Address:
Zip code:
Pref. Phone #:
Pref. e-mail:
Are they an MU Grad? (yes/no)
Are they on a council (County, Regional or State) or are they a delegate?
For More Information Contact: Executive Associate Athletic Director of Communications Nick Joos joosn@missouri.edu, or Senior Associate Athletic Director, Marketing & Revenue Generation Jay Luksis luksisj@missouri.edu. (573) 884-8341.
The Counties still needing to identify County Athletic Ambassadors:
Ambassadors Needed | Ambassadors in Place |
53 | 62 |
Adair | |
Andrew | |
Atchison | |
Audrain | |
Barry | |
Barton | |
Bates | |
Benton | |
Bollinger | |
Boone | |
Buchanan | |
Butler | |
Caldwell | |
Callaway | |
Camden | |
Cape Girardeau | |
Carroll | |
Carter | |
Cass | |
Cedar | |
Chariton | |
Christian | |
Clark | |
Clay | |
Clinton | |
Cole | |
Cooper | |
Crawford | |
Dade | |
Dallas | |
Daviess | |
DeKalb | |
Dent | |
Douglas | |
Dunklin | |
Franklin | |
Gasconade | |
Gentry | |
Greene | |
Grundy | |
Harrison | |
Henry | |
Hickory | |
Holt | |
Howard | |
Howell | |
Iron | |
Jackson | |
Jasper | |
Jefferson | |
Johnson | |
Knox | |
Laclede | |
Lafayette | |
Lawrence | |
Lewis | |
Lincoln | |
Linn | |
Livingston | |
Macon | |
Madison | |
Maries | |
Marion | |
McDonald | |
Mercer | |
Miller | |
Mississippi | |
Moniteau | |
Monroe | |
Montgomery | |
Morgan | |
New Madrid | |
Newton | |
Nodaway | |
Oregon | |
Osage | |
Ozark | |
Pemiscot | |
Perry | |
Pettis | |
Phelps | |
Pike | |
Platte | |
Polk | |
Pulaski | |
Putnam | |
Ralls | |
Randolph | |
Ray | |
Reynolds | |
Ripley | |
Saline | |
Schuyler | |
Scott | |
Scotland | |
Shannon | |
Shelby | |
St. Charles | |
St. Clair | |
St. Francois | |
Ste. Genevieve | |
St. Louis County | |
St. Louis – City | |
Stoddard | |
Stone | |
Sullivan | |
Taney | |
Texas | |
Vernon | |
Warren | |
Washington | |
Wayne | |
Webster | |
Worth | |
Wright |