Upcoming Spring 2024 Programs

There will be no educational program in January, but please mark your calendars for these future dates:

March 5, breakfast educational program: Mark Palmer, “An Update on the Voluntary Action Center (VAC) Opportunity Campus”

March 13, MURA Annual meeting and election of officers. This meeting will start at 9:30 with a social and meeting begins at 10 AM. More details will be forthcoming in the Newsletter.

April 2, breakfast educational program: Kim-Dude Lammy, “Childrens Grove”

April 8, Spring social hosted by President Choi: Time and location to be announced.

Mid-April, End-of-life planning seminar: Time, location, and other details to follow.

May 7, breakfast educational program: “Creating the Next Generation of Mizzou’s Student Innovators,” Greg Bier, Kelly Mattas, and students from the Griggs Innovation Nexus

June 4, breakfast educational program: “Prairie Restoration & Native Plants”