Special Joint Osher/MURA Program: How Food Scientists are Changing the Way We Feed the World
July 14, 2020
Dr. Andrew Clarke, Associate Professor of Food Science and UM Presidential Fellow addressed “How Food Scientists are Changing the Way We Feed the World.” Dr. Clarke identified achievements in food science and technology as well as the challenges ahead of us. As explained, food is complicated—as are consumers, agriculture and regulations. Missourians can help meet the challenges ahead by using value-added agriculture experience and investing in the Missouri Food, Beverage, and Forest Products Initiative. Sixty-four viewers tuned in for this “breakfast presentation” by Zoom conferencing allowing questions and answers. We were pleased that we were joined by viewers from out state Missouri and other states as well. This was the first cooperative program between MURA and Osher Lifelong Learning. You may see the full recording of the program at https://umsystem.zoom.us/rec/share/1-53IujZ5kRIUJHi-lDef5EeG5_7aaa80SQY-6IKzx04SOYgyGdLQGmmW_e1ZU3X