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For your safety, we will continue to observe health precautions as established for breakfast presentations as explained above: masks unless eating at a table, social distancing, and hand sanitizers. A Gift Basket Raffle will benefit the Mizzou Tiger Pantry. Five prize baskets will each have a theme: Mizzou; Sweet Treats; Happy Hour; Cozy Winter Fun; and All Sports…All The Time. MU Tiger Pantry is the designated organization for MURA Holiday Luncheon Gifting. Tiger Pantry serves as an auxiliary of the Central and Northeast Missouri Food Bank, providing assistance to anyone affiliated with the university, including students, faculty, and staff. Tiger Pantry distributes anywhere from 3500 lbs. to 5000 lbs. in a month. For more information and FAQ’s see the Tiger Pantry web site. If making individual online direct donations to the Tiger Pantry, please indicate it is via the MU Retirees Association in the box labeled “Please share with us why you are giving.” |